Make updates to an existing delivery block, including adding or removing resources. If you are using resource-based delivery blocks and optimization, you must use this endpoint instead of the "Assign Driver to Delivery Block." Note that any updates to delivery_block_resources will result in a full overwrite of the data.
Recurring Delivery Blocks
Blocks can only be created up to 3 months in the future.
success boolean |
Indicates whether the service completed successfully.
rc Int32 |
If an error occurred, the return code. |
message string |
If an error occurred, a message indicating the error. |
id Int32 |
The Id of the new delivery block. |
capacity Int32 |
The number of drivers assigned to this new delivery block. |
description string |
The description of this new delivery block. |
end_time datetime |
The ending date and time of this new delivery block. |
name string |
The name of this new delivery block. |
original_capacity Int32 |
The number of drivers that should work to this new delivery block. |
resources_capacity Int32 |
The number of resource (vehicles and/or drivers) that are currently assigned to this individual delivery block. |
start_time datetime |
The starting date and time of this new delivery block. |
user_ids array of integers |
An array containing the Ids of the drivers assigned to this delivery block. |
users array of objects |
An array of objects where each object contains the following:
delivery_block_resources array of objects |
An array of Delivery Blocks Resources objects, where each object contains a delivery block resources object. |
delivery_block_recharges array of objects |
An array of Delivery Blocks Recharge objects, where each object contains a delivery block recharge object. |
delivery_block_breaks array of objects |
An array of Delivery Blocks Breaks objects, where each object contains a delivery block resources object. |