API Reference

Driver Location

The Driver App can automatically check drivers in and out of locations and keep your systems updated with their status using webhooks. If you use other systems to track the location of your drivers, you can use Bringg's API to update the Bringg platform with this data.

Key Definitions

Check-in and Checkout:

  • Check-in occurs when a driver reports their arrival at a destination.
  • Checkout occurs when the driver reports they have departed from the destination.
  • Drivers can manually check in to a location by tapping the Arrived button in the Driver App, or the app can automatically trigger check-in upon arrival using a geofence.
  • If you are using other systems to track drivers, use the Arrived to Destination (Check in) and Left Destination (Checkout) endpoints to update this data in Bringg.


  • A destination is the exact geolocated address associated with an order. It can be the pickup or dropoff location.
  • A fulfillment center is your home base and where you prepare orders for dispatch. It might be a store, warehouse, factory, garage, or restaurant.
  • You can configure Bringg to automatically perform actions when drivers approach your fulfillment center, such as making them available for AutoDispatch or taking them on and off shift without requiring manual check-in. These actions are called home events.

Driver Availability

  • Use Get Driver Availability to determine if a driver is reachable via the Driver App. A driver is considered available when they have an active shift, a network connection, and their location has been updated (manually or automatically) in the last 5 minutes.

Location Sharing

  • When a driver is on the way to a destination associated with an order, you can share the driver's location with the customer to help them anticipate the driver's arrival.
  • This can be done using Bringg's customer experience app, or you can use the Get Share endpoint to get the link with customers using your other systems.