API Reference

Step 4 : Get File Process Status

The fourth step of the multi-part JSONL import procedure.

This step differs slightly from step 3.

  • In step 3, the resource_id key - and associated value - are supplied in the JSON body of the Process Upload File API call.
  • In this step, the resource_id key - and associated value - are supplied as params to the API call.

So, if using POSTMAN, this should be supplied in the Params tab.

If NOT using POSTMAN and instead this is being scripted, the resource_id key - and associated value should be supplied as parameters to your URI - as shown in the example codebox below:


Key points to note about the example response - and the response in general - are as follows:

  • This example response shows the status of a JSONL example file containing only 20 orders
  • 17 orders were successfully imported - each line in the JSONL import file represents an order
  • 3 orders were not imported
  • Details on those three orders that failed can be found by performing a GET HTTP request to the URL defined in the errors_url key

Polling intervals

The Get File Process Status API call is not a one-time operation. Instead, this API should be invoked periodically to check the status of an upload file.

But how often should you poll this API to check for status?

That largely depends on the size of the file itself but Bringg’s API rate limits also help drive the decision on polling frequency. The Bringg rate limit and remaining can be found in the HTTP response headers in the X-Ratelimit-Limit and X-Ratelimit-Remaining keys. The time when the limit quota will be reset can be found in the X-Ratelimit-Reset key in the HTTP response headers. Please check that rate-limit page at https://developers.bringg.com/docs/rate-limits for more information.

Regardless of the polling frequency, the process should be stopped when the value of the phase key is complete or timeout.

  • Complete denotes that the process has completed. This DOES NOT necessarily mean that all records in the JSONL file have successfully been imported. Please do assume that this means 100% success of all records in the JSONL file! You must continue to perform the steps outlined in the Results and Errors sections below to determine exactly which records have been imported.
  • Timeout denotes that there has been a timeout in the backend of Bringg. Please perform the steps outlined in the Results and Errors sections below to determine exactly which records have been imported.

JSONL import file specification : General JSON file definitions and standards

Any JSONL file used for import must adhere to the following:

  • Encoding of UTF-8
  • Explicit LF line-break (UNIX EOL)
  • Each line is a valid JSON value - in this case, each line represents an order to be loaded into Bringg
  • Each task request (one per line) should be wrapped in a task object -as follows: {"task":{...}}