The Customer Created callback occurs when a new customer is created.This callback returns detailed information describing the new customer.
Register Your URL for this Webhook
To start receiving webhooks from Bringg, you must first register a URL. Detailed guidance on setting up and managing Bringg webhooks is available in the following resources:
- Send Bringg Webhooks: Subscribe to webhooks and customize the fields in your callbacks.
- Webhook Authentication Methods: Ensure that your other systems recognize and accept webhooks from Bringg.
"id": 4652688,
"name": "Beverage Brothers",
"address": "120 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, USA",
"lat": 40.442228,
"lng": -80.003107,
"created_at": "2017-12-11T17:19:06.856Z",
"updated_at": "2017-12-11T17:19:06.856Z",
"phone": "+9724121234567",
"merchant_id": 11271,
"image": null,
"access_token": "f6308c47-3cd9-4aa7-9336-c15a90e2f424",
"confirmation_code": "7454",
"salt": null,
"approved": false,
"push_token": null,
"uuid": null,
"email": "",
"external_id": "4652688",
"delete_at": null,
"facebook_id": null,
"extras": null,
"original_lat_lng_changed": null,
"encrypted_password": "",
"blocked_email": false,
"address_second_line": "Annex B",
"zipcode": null,
"allow_login": false,
"stripe_id": null,
"original_phone_number": "412-123-4567",
"last_open_at": null,
"last_order_at": null,
"uploaded_profile_image": null,
"original_lat": null,
"original_lng": null,
"consecutive_checkins_out_of_geofence": 0,
"allow_sending_email": true,
"allow_sending_sms": true,
"reset_password_token": null,
"reset_password_sent_at": null,
"mobile_version": null,
"mobile_type": 0,
"mobile_maker": null,
"client_version": null,
"client_name": null,
"city": null,
"borough": null,
"state": null,
"dev": false,
"business_code": null,
"language": null,
"district": null,
"house_number": null,
"street": null
Output Params
id Int32 |
The unique Id of this customer. |
access_token string |
This customer's access token for login. |
address string |
This customer's address. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
address_second_line text |
This customer's address second line, if needed. |
allow_login boolean |
Indicates whether this customer can login. The values are:
The default value is false. |
allow_sending_email boolean |
Indicates whether this customer allows email sharing. The values are:
The default value is true. |
allow_sending_sms boolean |
Indicates whether this customer allows SMS sharing.The values are:
The default value is true. |
approved boolean |
Indicates whether this customer was approved. Default value is false. |
blocked_email boolean |
Indicates whether this customer's email is blocked. The values are:
The default value is false. |
borough string |
This customer's borough. This can also be used for any neighborhood or zone. |
business_code string |
This customer's business code. |
city string |
This customer's city. |
client_name string |
The client name. |
client_version string |
The client version. |
confirmation_code string |
The confirmation code sent to this customer's phone for login verification. |
consecutive_checkins_out_of_geofence integer |
The number of times the user (driver) checked in outside of the geofence. |
created_at datetime |
The date and time this customer was created. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
delete_at datetime |
The date and time this customer was deleted. The default is null. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
dev boolean |
Indicates whether this customer belongs to a development account. |
district string |
This customer's district. |
string |
The email address of this customer. The default value is an empty string. |
encrypted_password string |
This customer's encrypted password. The default is null. |
external_id string |
The customer's external Id. |
extras JSON |
Internal Use. |
facebook_id string |
This customer's Id on Facebook. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
house_number Int32 |
The house number of this customer. |
image string |
The URL of an image associated with this customer. |
language string |
The language setting from this customer's app. This is a 2-letter code, for example "en" for English or "fr" for French. Note: This may be different than the company's default language. |
last_open_at datetime |
If this customer used the app, this is the date and time this customer last ordered using the app. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". The default value is null. |
last_order_at datetime |
If this customer used the app, this is the date and time this customer last opened the app. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". The default value is null. |
lat double |
The latitude of this customer's address. |
lng double |
The longitude of this customer's address. |
merchant_id Int32 |
The Id of the company. The merchant_id may be null, if the developer works with only one company. |
mobile_maker string |
The maker of the mobile. The default value is null. |
mobile_type Int32 |
The type of mobile. The values are:
The default value is 0. |
mobile_version string |
The mobile version of the app. The default value is null. |
name string |
The name of this customer. The maximum length is 255 letters. |
original_lat double |
The original latitude of this customer's address when this customer was created. The default is null. |
original_lat_lng_changed datetime |
The date and time this customer's address latitude and/or longitude changed. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
original_lng double |
The original longitude of this customer's address when this customer was created. The default is null. |
original_phone_number string |
This customer's original phone number, if the phone number changed. The default is the same phone number as phone. |
phone string |
The phone number of this customer. |
push_token string |
This customer's push token. |
reset_password_sent_at datetime |
The date and time the password was reset. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
reset_password_token string |
The new password token after a reset. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
salt string |
Internal Use |
state string |
This customer's state. |
street string |
This customer's street. |
stripe_id Int32 |
This customer's Id in stripe for an application integration. This only applies to stripe integrations. The default value is null. |
updated_at datetime |
The date and time of the last update for this customer. The default value is the same as created_at. This is in UTC and is in the format is " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
uploaded_profile_image string |
The URL of a profile image associated with this customer. The default value is null. |
uuid uuid |
The universal unique Id of this customer. |
zipcode string |
This customer's ZIP Code. The default value is null. |