The task_notes
object is included in some webhook callbacks. For example, the Order Is Done callback object includes the task_notes object.
Order Notes Details
Parameter | Description |
success boolean | Indicates whether the service completed successfully. false - the service failed. true - the service succeeded |
message string | If an error occurred, a message indicating the error is included. |
rc integer | If an error occurred, the return code is included. |
author_name string | Name of the user associated with the note. This is usually the name of the driver but can also be that of the dispatcher, admin or customer. |
created_at datetime | The date and time this note was created. This is in UTC and is in the format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
customer_id Int32 | The ID of the customer with which this note is associated. |
external_id string | The external system ID for this note. The default value is the id value. |
happened_at datetime | The date and time when this note was added to the order (by API or via the Bringg Driver App). This is in UTC and is in the format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
lat double | The geoposition latitude of the user (driver) when the task note was added. |
lng double | The geoposition longitude of the user (driver) when the task note was added. |
merchant_id Int32 | The ID of the merchant to which this note belongs. |
note string | The text of the note. |
pending_upload boolean | Indicates whether the note is pending upload (or was already uploaded). A note may be pending upload due to the size of the note or system latency. - false or 0 - the note is not pending upload - true or 1 - the note is pending upload |
task_id Int32 | Bringg's ID for the order to which this note is attached. |
title string | This consists of the date-time the note was created along with the name of the user associated with the note. |
type string | The type of task note. The values include: - FormattedTaskNote - Form - HtmlTaskNote - Signature - TaskNote (text)- TaskPhoto |
updated_at datetime | The date and time of the last update for this note. This is in UTC and is in the format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
url text | For notes of "HtmlTaskNote" type, this is the website URL added to this note. For notes of "TaskPhoto" or "Signature" type, this is the link to the image file. |
user_id Int32 | The Bringg ID of the user who is associated with the note. This is usually the driver but can also be the dispatcher, admin or customer. |
way_point_id Int32 | The Bringg ID of the waypoint to which this note is attached. |