The Driver Changed Type callback occurs when a user's (driver') user role is changed. This callback returns detailed information describing user (driver) and user role.
Register Your URL for this Webhook
To start receiving webhooks from Bringg, you must first register a URL. Detailed guidance on setting up and managing Bringg webhooks is available in the following resources:
- Send Bringg Webhooks: Subscribe to webhooks and customize the fields in your callbacks.
- Webhook Authentication Methods: Ensure that your other systems recognize and accept webhooks from Bringg.
"merchant_id": 11271,
"user_id": 77484,
"user": {
"id": 77484,
"name": "Ben Willington",
"status": "online",
"sub": "checked-in",
"lat": 32.0939958,
"lng": 34.8282957,
"phone": null,
"merchant_id": 11271,
"profile_image": "/images/avatar.png",
"admin": false,
"dispatcher": true,
"beta": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"job_description": "Lead Driver",
"external_id": "77484",
"company": null,
"active_shift_id": 1688485,
"driver_current_sign_in_at": "2017-12-25T13:39:39.523Z",
"driver_sign_in_count": 3,
"uuid": "ae56748d-8f9a-4892-bb8e-67150382fb82",
"battery": 0,
"average_rating": 3,
"driver": true,
"estimated_last_lat": 0,
"estimated_last_lng": 0,
"estimated_last_address": null,
"at_home": true,
"team_ids": [
"user_type_id": 1055,
"vehicle_type_id": null,
"language": null,
"default_user_activity": 5,
"authorization_flags": {},
"private_vehicle": true,
"in_beacon_range": false
"change_timed": "2017-12-28T12:15:22.352Z",
"user_type_change": {
"id": 5307548,
"user_id": 77484,
"from": 1055,
"to": null,
"created_at": "2017-12-28T12:15:22.325Z",
"updated_at": "2017-12-28T12:15:22.325Z",
"uuid": "246c1be6-729c-4600-851a-b976fd6abbc3",
"changed_to_at": null,
"changed_from_at": "2017-12-28T12:15:22.324Z",
"team_ids": [
"user_changes": {
"id": 77484,
"merchant_id": 11271,
"team_ids": "[15132]",
"profile_image": "/images/avatar.png"
"request_id": "4dbcd590-0ba2-4ef9-a3de-111e49bd250b",
Output Params
The Driver Changed Type callback returns a JSON containing parameters and three other JSONs. These three JSONs are:
- user
- user_type_change
- user_changes
merchant_id Int32 |
The Id of the company. The merchant_id may be null, if the developer works with only one company. |
user_id Int32 |
The Id of the user (driver) whose user type was changed. |
change_timed datetime |
The date and time of the user type change. |
request_id UUID |
The Id of the requested. Used for debugging. |
id Int32 |
The Id of this user (driver). |
active_shift_id Int32 |
The Id of the user's (driver's) current shift. |
admin boolean |
Indicates whether this user (driver) is a Bringg administrator. The values are:
at_home boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) is at home.
authorization_flags JSON |
A JSON containing user (driver) privileges. |
average_rating Int32 |
The user's (driver's) average rating. |
battery Int32 |
The user's (driver's) current battery. |
beta boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) is a beta.
company string |
The name of the company. |
default_user_activity Int32 |
The user's (driver's) default activity. The values are:
The default values is 5. |
dispatcher boolean |
Indicates whether this user (driver) is a Bringg dispatcher. The values are:
The default value is false. |
driver boolean |
Indicates whether this user (driver) is a Bringg driver. The values are:
driver_current_sign_in_at datetime |
The date and time the user (driver) signed into the current session. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
driver_sign_in_count Int32 |
The number of times the user (driver) signed into the app. |
string |
The email address of this customer. The default value is an empty string. |
estimated_last_address string |
The last known address of the user (driver) using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_etl datetime |
The estimated time of leaving the last known order location (ETA plus time on site). This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
estimated_last_lat double |
The last known latitude of the user (driver) using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_lng double |
The last known longitude of the user (driver) using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
external_id Int32 |
The customer's external Id. |
in_beacon_range boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) is in range of a known beacon.
job_description string |
The user's (driver's) job description. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
language string |
The user's (driver's) language. |
lat double |
The geoposition latitude of the user (driver) when the customer tipped the user (driver). |
lng double |
The geoposition longitude of the user (driver) when the customer tipped the user (driver). |
merchant_id Int32 |
The Id of the company. The merchant_id may be null, if the developer works with only one company. |
name string |
The name of this customer. |
phone string |
The phone number of this customer. |
private_vehicle boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) uses a private vehicle
profile_image text |
The URL of a profile image associated with this customer. The default value is null. |
status Int32 |
The user's (driver's) status. The values are:
sub string |
The sub status of the user (driver). The maximum length is 255 characters. |
team_ids Array of Int32 |
An array of Int32 containing the Ids of all teams assigned to this order. |
user_type_id Int32 |
The Id of the user type. |
uuid UUID |
The universal unique Id of this customer. |
vehicle_type_id Int32 |
The Id of the user's (driver's) vehicle type. |
id Int32 |
The Id of this user type change. |
changed_from_at datetime |
The date and time the user's (driver's) type was changed from the current type. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
changed_to_at datetime |
The date and time the user's (driver's) type was changed to the current type. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
created_at datetime |
The date and time the user type was created. |
from Int32 |
The Id of the old user type. |
team_ids Array of Int32 |
An array of Int32 containing the Ids of all teams assigned to this user (driver). |
to Int32 |
The Id of the new user type. |
updated_at datetime |
The date and time of the last change of this user type. |
user_id Int32 |
The Id of this user (driver). |
uuid UUID |
The UUID of this user type of change. |
id Int32 |
The Id of the user (driver). |
merchant_id Int32 |
The Id of the company. The merchant_id may be null, if the developer works with only one company. |
profile_image text |
The path and file name of the user (driver) profile image. |
team_ids Array of Int32 |
An array of Int32 containing the Ids of all teams assigned to this order. |