Use this API to retrieve a list of all open orders for given customers. This is commonly used to display active customer orders in third party and ecommerce sites, and for recurring orders, to see which Bringg has created for a customer. This API looks at the order-level customer only, and will only return active orders, meaning those which are in neither a completed nor canceled state. You can set the request to sequence the response based on the start or end of the time windows. If no sequence is specified, orders will appear in descending order by ID.
Response (Output) Params
Parameter | Description |
accept_time datetime | The date and time when the driver accepted this order. |
acknowledged_at datetime | The time at which the order was acknowledged by a dispatcher. If orders are auto-acknowledged, this time is set upon creation. |
active_way_point_id integer | The ID for the incomplete waypoint associated with this order. |
automatically_assigned boolean | Indicates whether this order was automatically assigned. The values are:false or 0 - this order was not automatically assigned true or 1 - this order was automatically assigned. |
automatically_cancelled integer | Indicates the method used to cancel this order. Possible values: \n0 - manually using the Driver App \n1 - automatic check-in or check-out via geofence \n2 - driver's action when prompted by the Driver App \n3 - from linked task \n4 - updated via the Cancel Order API request \n5 - updated by the carrier \n6 - automated by activity trigger \n7 - updated using the Bringg platform \n8 - updated using the store app \n9 - updated from Run End \n10 - automatic by server |
automatically_ended integer | Indicates the method used to end this order. Possible values: \n0 - manually using the Driver App \n1 - automatic check-in or check-out via geofence \n2 - driver's action when prompted by the Driver App \n3 - from linked task \n4 - updated via the Cancel Order API request \n5 - updated by the carrier \n6 - automated by activity trigger \n7 - updated from a child task \n8 - from the store app \n9 - from run end \n10 - updated by Bringg automation |
automatically_started integer | Indicates the method used to start this order. Possible values: \n0 - manually using the Driver App \n1 - automatic check-in or check-out via geofence \n2 - driver's action when prompted by the Driver App \n4 - auto_corrected_by_client \n5 - auto_corrected_by_server \n6 - automated by activity trigger \n7 - updated in the Bringg platform \n8 - updated in the store app \n9 - from_run_end \n10 - updated by Bringg automation |
cancelled_at datetime | The date and time when this order was canceled. |
create_group boolean | Indicates whether to automatically group this order with other orders that have the same customer or grouping key. Possible values: false or 0 - do not group order true or 1 - group order |
create_linked_tasks boolean | When both the pickup and dropoff location for an order are destinations on a route (neither are located at the route origin), true creates two linked orders for individual optimization. |
created_at datetime | The date and time this order was created. This is in UTC and is in the format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
customer object | An object containing detailed information about a new customer to create and associate with this order. |
delivery_cost double | The cost per delivery charged by a third-party carrier. |
delivery_price double | The delivery fee that the customer pays at checkout. |
delivery_window_id integer | Bringg's ID for the delivery window selected by or assigned to the customer. |
discount double | The discount applied to this order at checkout. |
distance_automatically_set integer | Indicates how the distance_traveled for this order was calculated. Possible values:0 - automatic1 - estimated2 - manual |
distance_traveled double | The actual distance traveled (in km). |
driver_payments array | An array including details of all payments accepted by a driver for this order. |
ended_time datetime | The date and time when the order was canceled or marked as complete. |
external_carrier_tracking_url string | The carrier's tracking link. Included as part of the task_fleet_mapping > shared_extras objects, which contain information provided by the carrier associated with this order and can be included in flexible webhooks. |
external_fleet_id string | Your external system's ID for the carrier assigned to this order. |
external_id string | The order's ID in your external systems. |
external_team_id string | The selected team's ID in your external systems. |
external_user_id string | Your external system's ID for the driver associated with this order. |
extras json | This field can be used to send custom attributes to Bringg. JSON format of field and value. For example: \n {\"field\":\"value\"} |
failed_delivery_attempts integer | The number of times a driver unsuccessfully attempted to deliver the order. |
fleet object | An object containing the details of an assigned or quoted fleet. |
fleet_delivery_external_id string | The external carrier's ID for the order. |
fleet_id integer | Bringg's ID for the external carrier. |
group_leader_id integer | If this order is part of a group of orders, this is the ID of the order representing the entire collection of orders in the group (the parent order containing all child orders in the group). This is the ID that Bringg operators (for example, dispatchers and users/drivers) view. NOTE: Bringg internally maintains each order and each order contains the same group leader ID. |
group_uuid string | If this order is a group of orders, this is the UUID of the group (see group_leader_id ). |
has_parking_area boolean | Indicates whether there is a loading/unloading zone at the destination. |
id integer | The unique ID of this order in Bringg. |
invalidated boolean | When true , signifies that this order is missing fields that Bringg requires to validate orders and include them in order lists and optimization among other Bringg features. |
last_assigned_time datetime | The last date and time this order was assigned to a driver. |
last_ready_to_execute_at datetime | The last time this order was marked as ready to execute. |
last_way_point_lat double | The geographical latitude for the last waypoint for the order. |
last_way_point_lng double | The geographical longitude of the last waypoint for the order. |
late boolean | Indicates whether the driver has not arrived at a destination in this order on or before the scheduled times. The values are:false or 0 - the driver is not latetrue or 1 - the driver is lateThe default value is false . |
late_reason string | The reason provided for the delay. |
left_to_be_paid double | The unpaid balance of this order. |
linked_task_id integer | Bringg’s ID for a linked order. Linked orders are created when one order is split into distinct tasks for each waypoint. |
message string | If an error occurred, a message indicating the error is included. |
notes array | An array of notes associated with the order. Each note should include the note and note_creator parameters. This creates a task_note object. |
note_creator string | The name to use as the creator of the note. Possible values: customer - logs the waypoint customer as the note creator user - logs the driver as the note creator |
parent_task_id integer | If this order was created from another order (for example, one that failed), this is the ID of the original order. |
payment_method integer | The payment method for this order. Possible values: 0 : unknown, 1 : cash, 2 : credit, 3 : check, 4 : credit card terminal. |
payment_type_name string | The name of the payment type, used to specify which payment equipment is required for this order. |
planned_distance_from_prev_task double | The distance to this order's last waypoint from the last waypoint of the preceding order in the route, as calculated during Route Optimization and via manual planning adjustments in the route planner. |
planning_done boolean | Indicates if this order has been organized into a route, and that route has been marked as "Done Planning." |
planning_published boolean | Indicates if the planned delivery window has been finalized or shared with the customer. |
post_delivery_tip_cash double | The tip (gratuity) paid to the driver in cash after delivery. |
post_delivery_tip_credit double | The tip (gratuity) paid to the driver by credit after delivery. |
pre_delivery_tip double | The tip (gratuity) paid to the driver before delivery. |
price_before_tax double | The net price of this order (not including taxes). |
priority integer | Priority of the order within an assigned route. For example, Priority 1 is the first stop in the route. |
quote_id integer | The ID of a quote received as a response from the Get Quotes request and selected for use in your external systems, such as customer checkout. Learn more about the Quotes object . |
rank integer | Defines the priority of a customer or order when using Route Optimization or AutoDispatch.null is the lowest rank, 1 is the highest, 2 is the second highest, and so on. 0 is not accepted. |
rc integer | If an error occurred, the return code is included. |
ready_to_execute boolean | Indicates whether this order is in planning phase or has been dispatched to drivers. Possible values: false or 0 - the order appears in the Planning tab and is not visible to drivers true or1 - the order appears in the Dispatch tab and is visible to drivers. |
recurrent_task_template_id integer | Designates the recurring order series that generated this order. See Create Recurring Order Template. |
required_skills array of strings | An array of driver skills or vehicle capabilities required to carry out this order, such as "fridge installation". |
reserved_until datetime | Date and time when the reservation of a delivery slot for an order expires. If the order is not completed by this time, the delivery slot reservation expires and the order is canceled. |
run_id integer | The ID of the route the order is assigned to. |
run_uuid uuid | The UUID of the run the order is assigned to. Use run_id to search in Bringg UI. |
scans array of objects | An array of objects including details about barcode scans related to an order, such as for inventory items. |
scheduled_to_be_ready datetime | The date and time when an order is scheduled to be ready for pickup from a waypoint. |
service_fee double | The service fee charged by an external carrier. Usually calculated as a percentage of the subtotal of the order. |
service_plan_external_id string | The ID in your system for the Service Plan applied to this order. Service Plans are used to set SLA and driver actions. |
service_plan_id integer | Bringg's ID for the Service Plan applied to this order. Service Plans are used to set SLA and driver actions. |
shift_id integer | Bringg's ID for the driver's shift when fulfilling this order. |
small_cart_fee double | A fee applied when the customer's order subtotal does not meet the "small cart" threshold. |
start_lat double | The geoposition latitude of the driver when this order started. |
start_lng double | The geoposition longitude of the driver when this order started. |
started_time datetime | The date and time when the driver started this order. |
status string | Indicates the current status of this order. Possible values include:0 - new 1 - assigned 2 - on the way 3 - checked in 4 - done 6 - accepted 7 - canceled 8 - rejected 9 - unacknowledged |
success boolean | Indicates whether the service completed successfully. \n \nfalse - the service failed. \ntrue - the service succeeded |
task_type_id integer | Indicates the order type. Can also be automatically generated when inventory or waypoint objects indicate the order type. Possible values: 2 : Pickup 3 : Return 4 : Dropoff 5 : Pickup and dropoff |
tax_price double | The total tax amount charged for the order. |
tip double | The tip (gratuity) paid to the driver by the customer for this order. |
tip_driver_enabled boolean | Indicates whether the driver can be tipped for this order. Possible values: false or 0 - the driver cannot be tipped true or 1 - the driver can be tipped |
title string | The order's title. |
total_handling_units string | Use to ensure that the vehicle does not exceed capacity even if a customer adds last-minute items to their order. When omitted, Bringg calculates the aggregated handling_units from the inventory object. |
total_price double | The total price of this order. |
total_weight integer | Use to ensure order does not exceed vehicle capacity even if customers add last-minute items to their order. Bringg calculates according to the higher value, total_weight , or the aggregated weight of all inventory items in the order. |
updated_at datetime | The last time this order's details were updated. |
user_id integer | Bringg's ID for the driver associated with this order. |
uuid uuid | A universally unique identifier (UUID) for this order. |
vehicle object | The vehicle associated with this order. |
virtual_task boolean | Indicates if an order should be scheduled by the customer or a dispatcher, such as when created as part of an unconfirmed quote. Possible values: false or 0 - not a virtual order. This is the default value. true - this order should be scheduled by a customer or dispatcher. |
way_points array of objects | An array of one or two objects containing destination information. |
Visit the Order (Task) Object for more details.