The Customer Tipped Driver callback occurs when a customer tips a user (driver).This callback returns detailed information describing tip (gratuity), user (driver), and the customer.
Register Your URL for this Webhook
To start receiving webhooks from Bringg, you must first register a URL. Detailed guidance on setting up and managing Bringg webhooks is available in the following resources:
- Send Bringg Webhooks: Subscribe to webhooks and customize the fields in your callbacks.
- Webhook Authentication Methods: Ensure that your other systems recognize and accept webhooks from Bringg.
"user": {
"id": 77484,
"name": "Ben Willington",
"status": "online",
"sub": "Assigned",
"lat": 32.0940105,
"lng": 34.8282588,
"phone": "",
"merchant_id": 11271,
"profile_image": "/images/avatar.png",
"admin": false,
"dispatcher": false,
"beta": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"job_description": "",
"external_id": "77484",
"company": "",
"active_shift_id": 1673508,
"driver_current_sign_in_at": "2017-12-25T13:39:39.000Z",
"driver_sign_in_count": 3,
"uuid": "ae56748d-8f9a-4892-bb8e-67150382fb82",
"battery": 0,
"average_rating": 0,
"driver": true,
"estimated_last_etl": "2017-12-25T15:56:20.000Z",
"estimated_last_lat": 32.0917476,
"estimated_last_lng": 34.8321991,
"estimated_last_address": "River Rd 100, Tel Aviv, Israel",
"at_home": false,
"team_ids": [
"user_type_id": null,
"vehicle_type_id": null,
"language": "",
"default_user_activity": "5",
"authorization_flags": {},
"private_vehicle": true,
"in_beacon_range": false
"task": {
"id": 8922584,
"external_id": "8922584"
"note": {
"id": 59128696,
"note": null,
"user_id": 103797,
"task_id": 68635918,
"created_at": "2020-01-09T16:12:05.982Z",
"updated_at": "2020-01-09T16:12:05.982Z",
"type": "Signature",
"url": "",
"way_point_id": 86834871,
"customer_id": null,
"lat": 32.1068092,
"lng": 34.8346162,
"task_inventory_id": null,
"external_id": "59128696",
"tip": 4.9
Output Params
The Customer Tipped Driver callback returns a JSON containing three JSONs. These three JSONs are:
- user
- task
- note
The three Customer Tipper Driver JSONs are describe separately below.
id Int32 |
The Id of this user (driver). |
active_shift_id Int32 |
The Id of the user's (driver's) current shift. |
admin boolean |
Indicates whether this user (driver) is a Bringg administrator. The values are:
at_home boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) is at home.
authorization_flags JSON |
A JSON containing user (driver) privileges. |
average_rating Int32 |
The user's (driver's) average rating. |
battery Int32 |
The user's (driver's) current battery. |
beta boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) is a beta.
company string |
The name of the company. |
default_user_activity Int32 |
The user's (driver's) default activity. The values are:
The default values is 5. |
dispatcher boolean |
Indicates whether this user (driver) is a Bringg dispatcher. The values are:
The default value is false. |
driver boolean |
Indicates whether this user (driver) is a Bringg driver. The values are:
driver_current_sign_in_at datetime |
The date and time the user (driver) signed into the current session. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
driver_sign_in_count Int32 |
The number of times the user (driver) signed into the app. |
string |
The email address of this customer. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
estimated_last_address string |
The last known address of the user (driver) using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_etl datetime |
The estimated time of leaving the last known order location (ETA plus time on site). This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
estimated_last_lat double |
The last known latitude of the user (driver) using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_lng double |
The last known longitude of the user (driver) using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
external_id string |
The customer's external Id. |
in_beacon_range boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) is in range of a known beacon.
job_description string |
The user's (driver's) job description. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
language string |
The user's (driver's) language. |
lat double |
The geoposition latitude of the user (driver) when the customer tipped the user (driver). |
lng double |
The geoposition longitude of the user (driver) when the customer tipped the user (driver). |
merchant_id Int32 |
The Id of the company. The merchant_id may be null, if the developer works with only one company. |
name string |
The name of this customer. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
phone string |
The phone number of this customer. |
private_vehicle boolean |
Indicates whether the user (driver) uses a private vehicle
profile_image text |
The URL of a profile image associated with this customer. The default value is null. |
status Int32 |
The user's (driver's) status. The values are:
sub string |
The sub status of the user (driver). The maximum length is 255 characters. |
team_ids Array of Int32 |
An array of Int32 containing the Ids of all teams to which this user (driver) belongs. |
user_type_id Int32 |
The Id of the user type. |
uuid UUID |
The universal unique Id of this customer. |
vehicle_type_id Int32 |
The Id of the user's (driver's) vehicle type. |
id Int32 |
The Id of the order for which the customer tipped the user (driver). |
external_id string |
The external Id of the order. |
id Int32 |
The Id of the note for this tip (gratuity) paid by this customer to this user (driver). |
lat double |
The geolocation latitude of the user (driver) when the customer tipped the user (driver). |
lng double |
The geolocation longitude of the user (driver) when the customer tipped the user (driver). |
note string |
A note indicating the user (driver) tip and the amount. |
task_id Int32 |
If this order was created from another order (for example, a failed order), this is the Id of that original order. |
tip double |
The tip (gratuity) paid by this customer to this user (driver). |
type string |
The type of the note. The value is TipSignature. |
url text |
The URL added in this note. |
way_point_id Int32 |
The Id of the way point location of this customer who tipped the user (driver). |