Update a user's details by external_id
or Bringg id
Response (Output) Params
success boolean |
Indicates whether the service completed successfully.
rc Int32 |
If an error occurred, the return code. |
message string |
If an error occurred, a message indicating the error. |
id Int32 |
The Id of this new user. |
access_token string |
The new user's access token for login. |
active_shift_id Int32 |
The Id of the user's current shift. |
admin boolean |
Indicates whether this user is a Bringg administrator. The values are:
at_home boolean |
Indicates whether the user is at home.
authentication_token string |
The new user's authentication token. |
authorization_flags Object |
A object containing user privileges. |
average_rating Int32 |
The user's average rating. |
battery Int32 |
The user's current battery. |
beta boolean |
Indicates whether the user is a beta.
blocked_email boolean |
Indicates whether this user's email is blocked. The values are:
The default value is false. |
company string |
The name of the company. |
confirmation_code string |
The confirmation code sent to this user's phone for login verification. |
confirmation_code_sent_at datetime |
The date and time this user's confirmation code was sent. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
created_at datetime |
The date and time this user was created. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
current_task_id Int32 |
The Id of this user's current order. |
default_user_activity Int32 |
The user's default activity. The values are:
The default values is 5. |
delete_at datetime |
The date and time this user was deleted, if the user was deleted. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
device_model string |
The model of the user's mobile device. |
dispatcher boolean |
Indicates whether this user is a Bringg dispatcher. The values are:
The default value is false. |
dispatcher_push_token text |
driver boolean |
Indicates whether this user is a Bringg driver. The values are:
driver_current_sign_in_at datetime |
The date and time the user signed into the current session. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
driver_last_sign_in_at datetime |
The date and time this user last signed. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
driver_sign_in_count Int32 |
The number of times the user signed into the app. |
string |
The email address of this customer. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
estimated_last_address string |
The last known address of the user using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_etl datetime |
The estimated time of leaving the last known order location (ETA plus time on site). This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
estimated_last_lat double |
The last known latitude of the user using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_lng double |
The last known longitude of the user using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
estimated_last_waypoint_id Int32 |
The Id of the last known way point for the user using approximation based on last or next delivery. |
eta_to_home datetime |
The date and time of the expected time of arrival to home for this user. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
external_id string |
The customer's external Id. |
fleet_id Int32 |
If this user is assigned to an external fleet, this is the Id of that external fleet. |
force_change_password_date datetime |
The date and time of this user will be required to change passwords. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
force_change_password_token string |
The token for this user's required change of passwords. |
home_address string |
The driver's home address, which may be used as a start or end location in route optimization. |
home_lat float |
The geolocation latitude of this driver's home address. |
home_lng float |
The geolocation longitude of this driver's home address. |
in_beacon_range boolean |
Indicates whether the user is in range of a known beacon.
job_description string |
The user's job description. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
language string |
The language setting from this user's app. This is a 2-letter code, for example "en" for English or "fr" for French. Note: This may be different than the company's default language. |
lat double |
The geoposition latitude of the user when the customer tipped the user. |
lng double |
The geoposition longitude of the user when the customer tipped the user. |
merchant_id Int32 |
The Id of the company. The merchant_id may be null, if the developer works with only one company. |
mobile_configuration Object |
The configuration of this user's (driver's) mobile device. |
mobile_type Int32 |
The type of mobile. The default value is 0. |
mobile_version string |
The mobile version of the app. The default value is null. |
name string |
The name of this customer. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
num_ratings Int32 |
The number of times the user (driver) was rated. |
original_phone_number string |
The original phone number of this user, if the phone number was changed. |
original_user_id Int32 |
The original Id of this user, if the Id was changed. |
phone string |
The phone number of this customer. |
private_vehicle boolean |
Indicates whether the driver uses their own vehicle to determine if mileage should be compensated.
privilege_id Int32 |
The ID of the dispatcher or driver's Privileges group, which associates a dispatcher user with a set of authorization flags. |
profile_image text |
The URL of a profile image associated with this customer. The default value is null. |
push_token string |
This customer's push token. |
status Int32 |
The user's status. The values are:
sub string |
The sub status of the user. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
team_ids Array of Int32 |
An array of Int32 containing the Ids of all teams to which this user belongs. |
updated_at datetime |
The date and time this user was created. This is in UTC and is in the format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". |
user_type_id Int32 |
The Id of the user type. |
uuid UUID |
The universal unique Id of this customer. |
vehicle_type_id Int32 |
The Id of the user's vehicle type. |