Update Task

Update a Task

The Update Task endpoint can modify each and every attribute of an existing task.


Updating Scheduled Time

To update the Scheduled At time for an order, you will need to update the field of the relevant Way Point. See https://developers.bringg.com/reference#update-way-point

curl --include \
     --request PATCH \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{ \"title\": \"Pizza Delivery\", \"address\": \"416 Water St. New York, NY 10002\", \"scheduled_at\": \"2014-19-29T04:16:09.123Z\", \"company_id\": 154, \"team_id\": 4, \"lat\": 45.5, \"lan\": 12.5, \"timestamp\":\"1414421210832\", \"access_token\":\"K2Pxkwvx6-3PtW44zvEV\", \"signature\":\"db00061fa75f869c968f72d48449e457ae06959a\"}" \