Get Started With Sandbox

Using the Sandbox to set up and test your integration with Bringg



Please note: You will be sent login credentials for your Sandbox account only after your fleet has been approved to work with Bringg.

Your Sandbox contains:

  • a list of all the Bringg API endpoints you will need to update the status of a delivery
  • a list of all the webhooks that Bringg will send you with the ability to configure your endpoint URLs
  • a dispatching screen that is a simulation of how the Dispatch dashboard looks and works in Bringg. Here you will be able to create and assign an order to your fleet, triggering the whole delivery process.


Go to to login.



The first section is APIs. Here you will find a list of all the API endpoints for you to use to send calls to your Sandbox account. Click the blue "Copy API" button to copy the URL.

Here, you will also find the Sandbox API Key which gets sent in the header of webhooks for your Sandbox account. The API key allows you to identify the particular merchant sending you the webhooks (in this case, the Sandbox merchant).



Under the Webhooks section, add in your endpoint URLs in order to receive the webhooks coming from Bringg.


On this screen, you will also find the API key that Bringg will pass in the header of the Sandbox webhooks. This will allow you to identify these webhooks as coming from the Bringg Sandbox.


This screen contains a list of all the merchants who are registered to your fleet along with their credentials, namely Client ID, Client Secret and API Key (the latter is sent in the header of the webhooks from Bringg in order to allow you to identify from which merchant they come).

This screen also contains the Get Merchant Credentials .



On this screen, you can create test orders, assign orders to your fleet, see the orders on a map, view the progress of the delivery, and see the driver location on the map.

  1. Start by clicking the blue "Create Order" button. It will take about 30 seconds until the order has been created so please be patient.

If order creation has been successful, you will get the following success message at the bottom right of your screen:

  1. Assign the order to your fleet. This will trigger the "Delivery Created Webhook" to which you need to respond by providing your delivery ID.

NOTE: If you don't sent a Delivery ID in response, the assignment will revert back to "Unassigned".

  1. You can now step through the delivery process using the relevant API Calls.