Use this API call when you:
- Assign a driver to the order (delivery)
- Reassign a different driver
- Add a delivery cost to the order
Example Payload
- If this is the first time you are creating the driver in Bringg, fill in all the relevant fields for the "user" object, including "external_id". Bringg will then create a driver in Bringg with those details.
- You can also always use this payload for existing drivers.
- If you have previously created the driver in Bringg and want to assign the driver using your Driver ID, you only have to include the "external_id" field in the "user" object. See the example below in the 2nd tab.
- delivery_cost is a float field that allows the fleet to send back their delivery cost to Bringg in Cents units.
"task_id": 1234567,
"user": {
"external_id": "driver1",
"name": "Driver Name",
"job_description": "Driver's job description",
"profile_image": "",
"phone": "+15555555555",
"email": ""
"delivery_cost": 1299,
"green_delivery": true
"task_id": 9883062,
"user_external_id": "driver1",
"delivery_cost": 1299,
"green_delivery": true
International Phone Number Format
If you do provide a driver phone number, make sure that it is valid and in the international format i.e. starts with +{country dialing code}
e.g. +15555555555
* task_id Int32 |
Bringg's unique Order ID. You will have received this ID in the "Delivery Created" webhook. |
* external_id string |
The ID of the driver in your system. This is a mandatory field. |
*name string |
The name of the driver. This is a mandatory field. If you don't know the name, then send "Delivery Driver" rather than null. If you send null, then you will receive a 400 error. |
profile_image string |
If you have a profile picture for the driver, put the URL here. Not mandatory. However, it is best practice to include some number so that the customer or the merchant can get in touch. The driver phone number can be a masked phone number, or it can be the phone number of your Customer Service. If you don't want to sha |
phone string |
The driver's phone number. Not mandatory. |
string |
The driver's email address. Not mandatory. |
delivery_cost float |
Allow the fleet to send back their delivery cost to Bringg in Cents units. OPTIONAL |
green_delivery boolean |
Show the consumer if the order was delivered by a green vehicle. OPTIONAL |
* Mandatory fields
What Bringg will send you in response
Example Response
Optional : You can save the task > "user_id"
"success": true,
"task": {
"title": "1591107425",
"user_id": 662319,
"created_at": "2020-06-02T14:17:05.803Z",
"scheduled_at": null,
"lat": 35.7686299,
"lng": -78.5487832,
"status": 6,
"id": 7197059,
"address": "5210 TRADEMARK DRIVE, RALEIGH, NC",
"active_way_point_id": 11070509,
"started_time": null,
"cancelled_at": null,
"cancellation_lat": null,
"cancellation_lng": null,
"late": false,
"extras": {
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"uniqueIdentifier": "ABC"
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"customer_id": 7201388,
"asap": null,
"ended_time": null,
"priority": 7197059,
"distance_traveled": null,
"total_price": null,
"delivery_cost": null,
"delivery_price": null,
"tip": null,
"pre_delivery_tip": null,
"post_delivery_tip_cash": null,
"post_delivery_tip_credit": null,
"left_to_be_paid": null,
"task_cancellation_reason": null,
"dispatcher_id": null,
"uuid": "8ec4c9a6-4fcb-4fb1-b94d-79aeeeb745cd",
"ready_to_execute": true,
"discount": null,
"tip_driver_enabled": false,
"tax_price": null,
"price_before_tax": null,
"tag_id": 588,
"group_uuid": null,
"group_leader_id": null,
"automatically_cancelled": 0,
"parent_task_id": null,
"payment_method": null,
"payment_type_name": null,
"linked_task_id": null,
"preparation_status": 0,
"preparation_start_time_planned": null,
"preparation_end_time_planned": null,
"preparation_ready_for_pickup_time_planned": null,
"invalidated": false,
"automatically_assigned": true,
"task_type_id": 4,
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"required_skills": [],
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"fleet_id": 180,
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"rank": null,
"fleet_delivery_external_id": "123",
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"success": false,
"rc": 0,
"message": "Task not found"
"success": false,
"rc": 0,
"message": "general error"