Task Flow Handling
Manage task flows
Every order on Bringg Platform is represented by a task model.
Task model may have one or more destinations (waypoints) that the user should visit (arrive/check-in) collect or deliver the order and then leave (check-out).
A task will be done after all it's waypoints are checked-out - meaning the user has successfully visited and left all the destinations completing the required actions for each destination.
Task flow
DriverSdk enforces proper flow management that follows this order:
- Accept the task (Bringg Platform enables tasks to be automatically accepted, this step is not needed when tasks are already accepted)
- Start the task
- Arrive to a destination (check-in)
- Leave a destination (check-out)
- Cancel the task
Bringg Platform supports changing and updating the task remotely (such as by a dispatcher or an api call). While online the SDK will automatically apply and persist all updates locally and notify the implementation using LiveData .
Hands Free Driver Experience
Bringg DriverSdk supports a configurable Hands Free Mode.
When enabled DriverSdk may automatically manage and execute some or all of the above task flow actions without any user interaction needed using internal algorithms - these capabilities are configured on Bringg Platform and are automatically applied on the SDK for you.
Observe Tasks and Waypoints
Observe all user tasks
All the tasks assigned to the user can be monitored using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:
Observer { taskList ->
Log.i(TAG, "task list updated, task count=${taskList.size}")
Observe a single task
Task can be monitored using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:
Observer { task ->
Log.i(TAG, "task was updated, task status=${task?.status}")
Observe a single waypoint
Waypoint can be monitored using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:
Observer { waypoint ->
Log.i(TAG, "waypoint was updated, task status=${waypoint?.status}")
Managing the task flow
Accept task
Accept the task and assign it to the user
Task must be in accepted state (task.isAccepted == TRUE) before any other task action can be executed.
DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk().task.acceptTask(task.getId(), object : ResultCallback<TaskAcceptResult> {
override fun onResult(result: TaskAcceptResult) {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "task was successfully accepted, LiveData event will be posted, result=$result")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "accepting the task failed, error=${result.error}")
taskId long NOT NULLABLE |
the unique id of the task that should be accepted |
callback ResultCallback<TaskAcceptResult> NOT NULLABLE |
receive TaskAcceptResult model with the action result |
model containing the accept task request result
success Boolean NOT NULLABLE |
was the task successfully accepted on Bringg Platform Cloud Services. When success=TRUE driverSdk.data.taskList will post the entire task list including the update task driverSdk.data.task will post the updated task to active observers and driverSdk.data.waypoint will post the updated waypoint to active observers |
error NULLABLE |
In case of failure (success = FALSE) this will indicate the reason for the failure. |
TaskAcceptResult Errors
see Authentication |
the user has to be online to perform any task actions, see Shifts |
no task with the provided id is assigned to this user |
server returned error response |
Start task
Start the task - the user is starting his journey to the first destination.
Task must be in started state (task.isStarted == TRUE) before you can arrive or leave destinations.
DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk().task.startTask(task.getId(), object : ResultCallback<TaskStartResult> {
override fun onResult(result: TaskStartResult) {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "task was successfully started, LiveData event will be posted, result=$result")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "starting the task failed, error=${result.error}")
taskId long NOT NULLABLE |
the unique id of the task that should be started |
callback ResultCallback<TaskStartResult> NOT NULLABLE |
receive TaskStartResult model with the action result |
model containing the request result
success Boolean NOT NULLABLE |
was the task successfully started When success=TRUE driverSdk.data.taskList will post the entire task list including the update task driverSdk.data.task will post the updated task to active observers and driverSdk.data.waypoint will post the updated waypoint to active observers |
error NULLABLE |
In case of failure (success = FALSE) this will indicate the reason for the failure. |
requiredActions List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is ACTIONS_REQUIRED |
actionsToShow List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is ACTIONS_NOT_SHOWN |
allActions List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Populated with all available task actions |
plannedStartTime Date? NULLABLE |
Populated with all available task actions |
plannedStartTime Date? NULLABLE |
Populated with task planned start date |
higherPriorityTaskId Long NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is HIGHER_PRIORITY_FOUND indicating the higher priority task id that should be started |
linkedNotCompletedTaskId Long NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is LINKED_TASK_NOT_COMPLETED indicating linked task id that should be completed |
TaskStartResult Errors
see Authentication |
the user has to be online to perform any task actions, see Shifts |
no task with the provided id is assigned to this user |
server returned error response |
task has to be accepted before it can be started, see Accept Task |
this task is already started |
this task is already done |
this task is not yet schedualed and can't be started |
this task is schedualed for later and can't be started now. result.plannedStartTime is populated with the task start time value |
starting tasks by their priority order is configured on Bringg Platform for this user and there is another task with higher priority that was not started yet. result.higherPriorityTaskId will be populated with the higher priority task id which blocks this task from being started, you should first start the higher priority task to make starting this task enabled |
this task follows another task which should be completed before this task could be started. result.linkedNotCompletedTaskId will be populated with the linked task id which blocks this task from being started, you should first complete the previous task to make starting this task enabled |
user must select his transport type before starting this task |
there are actions that has to be shown to the user before starting this task |
there are remaining mandatory actions that has to be completed before starting this task |
Arrive to a destination (waypoint check-in)
The user has arrived to a destination
Task must be in started state (task.isStarted == TRUE) before you can arrive a destination.
DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk().task.arriveToWayPoint(waypoint.id, object : ResultCallback<WaypointArriveResult> {
override fun onResult(result: WaypointArriveResult) {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "successfully arrived waypoint, LiveData event will be posted, result=$result")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "arriving waypoint failed, error=${result.error}")
waypointId long NOT NULLABLE |
the unique id of the waypoint that the user arrived to |
callback ResultCallback<WaypointArriveResult> NOT NULLABLE |
receive WaypointArriveResult model with the action result |
model containing the request result
success Boolean NOT NULLABLE |
arrived destination action succeeded When success=TRUE driverSdk.data.taskList will post the entire task list including the update task driverSdk.data.task will post the updated task to active observers and driverSdk.data.waypoint will post the updated waypoint to active observers |
error NULLABLE |
In case of failure (success = FALSE) this will indicate the reason for the failure. |
requiredActions List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is ACTIONS_REQUIRED |
actionsToShow List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is ACTIONS_NOT_SHOWN |
allActions List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Populated with all available waypoint actions |
WaypointArriveResult Errors
see Authentication |
the user has to be online to perform any task actions, see Shifts |
no task with the provided id is assigned to this user |
task has to be accepted before arriving destinations, see Accept Task |
task has to be started before arriving destinations, see Start Task |
no waypoint with the provided id is assigned to this user |
this waypoint is already done |
this waypoint is already checked-in |
this waypoint is not the current task waypoint and can't be arrived before it |
user must select his transport type before starting this task |
there are remaining mandatory actions that has to be completed before arriving this waypoint |
Leave a destination (waypoint check-out)
The user has left a destination
Waypoint must be arrived before you can leave a waypoint
DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk().task.leaveWayPoint(waypoint.id, object : ResultCallback<WaypointLeaveResult> {
override fun onResult(result: WaypointLeaveResult) {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "successfully left the waypoint, LiveData event will be posted, result=$result")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "leaving waypoint failed, error=${result.error}")
waypointId long NOT NULLABLE |
the unique id of the waypoint that the user has left |
callback ResultCallback<WaypointLeaveResult> NOT NULLABLE |
receive WaypointLeaveResult model with the action result |
model containing the request result
success Boolean NOT NULLABLE |
leave destination action succeeded When success=TRUE driverSdk.data.taskList will post the entire task list including the update task driverSdk.data.task will post the updated task to active observers and driverSdk.data.waypoint will post the updated waypoint to active observers |
error NULLABLE |
In case of failure (success = FALSE) this will indicate the reason for the failure. |
requiredActions List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is ACTIONS_REQUIRED |
nextWaypoint Waypoint? NULLABLE |
The next destination of this task is there is one, task will be done when no next destination and task done event will be fired |
WaypointLeaveResult Errors
see Authentication |
the user has to be online to perform any task actions, see Shifts |
no task with the provided id is assigned to this user |
task has to be accepted before arriving destinations, see Accept Task |
task has to be started before arriving destinations, see Start Task |
no waypoint with the provided id is assigned to this user |
waypoint must be checked-in before checked out, see WayPoint Check-In |
this waypoint is already done |
this waypoint is not the current task waypoint and can't be arrived before it |
user must select his transport type before starting this task |
there are remaining mandatory actions that has to be completed before leaving this waypoint |
Cancel Task
Users may cancel a task for different reasons.
Task may have predefined reasons which must to be used as the reason parameter
val reason = task.cancelReasons.first()
val customReason = "no one answered when I arrived, tried calling them but no one answered the phone as well"
object : ResultCallback<TaskCancelResult> {
override fun onResult(result: TaskCancelResult) {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "task was successfully canceled")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "task cancel request failed, error=${result.error}")
taskId long NOT NULLABLE |
the unique id of the task that the user wants to cancel |
cancellationReason String NOT NULLABLE |
user should select one of the task specific cancel reasons (task.cancelReasons) that should be passed as the cancellationReason |
customReason String NULLABLE |
User may enter free text here for further task cancel description and notes |
callback ResultCallback<TaskCancelResult> NOT NULLABLE |
receive TaskCancelResult model with the action result |
model containing the request result
success Boolean NOT NULLABLE |
cancel task action succeeded When success=TRUE driverSdk.data.taskList will post the entire task list excluding the canceled task driverSdk.data.task will post the null to active observers and driverSdk.data.waypoint will post the null to active observers |
error NULLABLE |
In case of failure (success = FALSE) this will indicate the reason for the failure. |
requiredActions List<TaskActionItem> NOT NULLABLE |
Only populated when success = FALSE and error is ACTIONS_REQUIRED |
TaskCancelResult Errors
see Authentication |
the user has to be online to perform any task actions, see Shifts |
no task with the provided id is assigned to this user |
the provided cancellationReason parameter is included in task.cancelReasons |
there are remaining mandatory actions that this cancellationReason requires |
Reject Task
Users may reject a task.
DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk().rejectTask(task.getId(), object : ResultCallback<TaskRejectResult> {
override fun onResult(result: TaskRejectResult) {
if (result.success) {
Log.i(TAG, "task was successfully rejected, LiveData event will be posted, result=$result")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "rejecting the task failed, error=${result.error}")
a model containing the request result
success Boolean NOT NULLABLE |
reject task action succeeded When success=TRUE driverSdk.data.taskList will post the entire task list exluding the rejected task driverSdk.data.task will post null to active observers and driverSdk.data.waypoint will post null waypoint to active observers |
error NULLABLE |
In case of failure (success = FALSE) this will indicate the reason for the failure. |
TaskRejectResult Errors
see Authentication |
Update Waypoint Details
Users may update some of the waypoint details from the SDK.
fun updateWaypoint(updateData: WayPointUpdatedDataFromApp): LiveData<WaypointUpdateResult>
WayPointUpdatedDataFromApp Class NOT NULLABLE |
A model That contains all the fields that can be updated on a waypoint |
waypointUpdateResult LiveData NOT NULLABLE |
receive WaypointUpdateResult model with the action result |
Update Extras
"extras" is a field that can help merchants pass operational data between services that are connected to the Bringg platform.
Users may update the "extras" field from the SDK.
driverSdk.task.updateExtras(taskId, extras)
taskId long NOT NULLABLE |
the unique id of the task that the user wants to cancel |
updateExtras JSONObject NOT NULLABLE |
The extras JSON that should be updated |
Create Group
Users can select multiple tasks and create a single grouped task.
driverSdk.task.createGroup(taskIds).observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
Log.i(TAG, "got create group result for order ids=$taskIds, result=$it")
val text = when (it) {
is CreateGroupTaskResult.Success -> "Orders merged successfully, new order: ${it.task}"
is CreateGroupTaskResult.Error -> "Failed to merge orders, error=${it.error}"
taskIds Collection NOT NULLABLE |
Task ids of the orders that needs to be groupped |
createGroupTaskResult LiveData |
receive createGroupTaskResult model with the action result |
Ungroup a group task
Users can ungroup a grouped task.
driverSdk.task..unGroup(taskId).observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
Log.i(TAG, "got ungroup result for order ids=$taskIds, result=$it")
val text = when (it) {
is UnGroupTaskResult.Success -> "Order unmerged successfully, new orders: ${it.tasks}"
is UnGroupTaskResult.Error -> "Failed to unmerge orders, error=${it.error}"
Snackbar.make(this, text, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
taskId Long NOT NULLABLE |
A group order id that needs to be ungroupped |
unGroupTaskResult LiveData |
receive UnGroupTaskResult model with the action result |
Updated almost 4 years ago