Getting Started

Use these set up instructions to install and configure the Bringg Dispatcher SDK in your projects.


Installing the Bringg Dispatcher SDK requires only 4 steps:

  1. Create your project folder.
  2. Add the package.json.
  3. Create the script file.
  4. Install the Bringg Dispatcher SDK.

You can test your installation.


Before you start, confirm you have the prerequisites.


You must have the following installed in your environment:

  • node.js® (JavaScript runtime)
  • npm (the package manager for JaveScript)

Installation for Windows

Step 1. Create Your Project Directory

a. Create a project directory

mkdir c:\MyBringgSDKProject

b. Change Directories to Your Project Directory

cd MyBringgSDKProject

Step 2. Add the package.json file to Your Project Directory

  1. Create a file named package.json in your project directory and insert the following:
  "name": "bringg-sdk-nodejs-example",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "async-await-es7": "^1.0.2",
    "cache-decorator": "^0.1.6",
    "typescript": "2.7.2"
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-preset-es2017": "^6.24.1",
    "bringg-dashboard-sdk": "file:<your bringg-dashboard-sdk folder>"
  1. Replace <your bringg-dashboard-sdk-folder> with a relative path to your bringg-dashboard-sdk folder.

Step 3. Create the script file to Your Project Directory

a. Create a file named script in your project directory and insert the following:

let BringgDashboardSDK = require("bringg-dashboard-sdk");

async function runAwait() {

  try {
    // setConfiguration is optional
    BringgDashboardSDK.setConfigurations(("https://<Bringg API URL>","https://<Bringg Realtime URL>");
    // delegateLogger is optional
    BringgDashboardSDK.delegateLogger({debug:console.log, info:console.log, warn:console.log, error:console.log, log:console.log});
    // initwithAuthToken returns an instance of the SDK from which Bringg SDK requests are done
    const bringgDashboardSDK = await BringgDashboardSDK.initWithAuthToken(<region>, <token>);
    // setLogLevel is optional
    // call the bringgDashboardSDK instance opened by initwithAuthToken with the users.getAll() method
    console.log(await bringgDashboardSDK.users.getAll())

  } catch (e) {


b. Replace "https://<Bringg API URL>" with your Bringg API Server Path.
c. Replace "https://<Bringg Realtime URL" with your Bring realtime URL.
d. Replace <region> with your region.
e. Replace <token> with your authorization token.
f. Save the file.

Step 4. Install the Bringg Dispatcher SDK

npm install


That's All!

The npm install command installed the Bringg Dispatcher SDK and placed it in the new directory node_modules.

Test Your Installation

You can use the following application to test your installation. This example application initializes the Bringg Dispatcher SDK with a username and password, and then gets all users. It returns an array of User Objects .

  1. Create a file named MyTestApp.js
  2. Insert the following lines of code:
et BringgDashboardSDK = require("bringg-dashboard-sdk");

async function runAwait() {

  try {
    BringgDashboardSDK.setConfigurations("https://<Bringg Server Path>","https://localhost:3030");
    BringgDashboardSDK.delegateLogger({debug:console.log, info:console.log, warn:console.log, error:console.log, log:console.log});
    BringgDashboardSDK.initWithEmail("<username>", "password");
    console.log(await bringgDashboardSDK.users.getAll())
  } catch (e) {

  1. Replace "https://<Bringg Server Path>" with your Bringg Server Path.

  2. Replace <username> with your user name.

  3. Replace <password> with your password.

  4. Run the test.

node MyTestApp.js