Use the tasksManager to integrate user task-related functionality into your own apps.
The Bringg Driver SDK for iOS tasksManager allows you to integrate Bringg functionality into your own iOS apps using Bringg user task-related events and methods, including getting information about all active tasks, getting information about a specific task, refreshing user task information and removing, starting a task, update a task for arriving at a way point, and updating a task for leaving a way point. The Bringg Driver SDK for iOS provides the internal functionality and you can customize your apps using that functionality. You can also register your objects for task-related event notifications and customize your app for these events.
The tasksManager conforms to TasksManagerProtocol which defines its API, including the methods that the you can use for Bringg tasks functionality.
You can adapt the tasksManager into Objective-C.
The following is the TasksManagerProtocol :
@objc public protocol TasksManagerProtocol {
func addDelegate(_ delegate: TasksEventsDelegate)
func removeDelegate(_ delegate: TasksEventsDelegate)
func getTasks(completion: (_ tasks: [Task], _ lastTimeUpdated: Date?) -> Void)
func refreshTasks(completion: @escaping(_ tasks: [Task]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
func getTask(with taskId: Int, completion: (_ task: Task?) -> Void)
func startTask(with taskId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ error: Error?) -> Void)
func arriveAtWaypoint(with waypointId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ error: Error?) -> Void)
func leaveWaypoint(with waypointId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ nextWaypointID: NSNumber?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
The Bringg Driver SDK for iOS uses the multiple delegation design pattern allowing you to register any object for task events. To register for task events, the object must conform to the TasksEventsDelegate protocol.
TasksEventsDelegate is:
- The protocol that defines the task event methods a delegate must implement. A delegate might be any object in the system that requires notification on task events.
- The protocol to which a class must conform for notifications of task events. Objects of that class must be added as delegates of tasksManager.
The following is the TasksEventsDelegate protocol.
@objc public protocol TasksEventsDelegate: class {
func tasksEventsProviderDidRefreshTaskList(_ taskStateProvider: TasksManagerProtocol)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didAddNewTask taskId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didUpdateTask taskId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didAddWaypoint waypointId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didAddNote noteId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didUpdateWaypoint waypointId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didCompleteTask taskId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didRemoveTask taskId: NSNumber)
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didMassRemoveTasks taskIds: [NSNumber])
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didRemoveWaypoint waypointId: NSNumber)
TasksEventsDelegate is Optional
If your objects do not require task event notifications, your objects do not need to be delegates and you do not need to use the TasksEventsDelegate methods.
Feature Summary
tasksManager Property |
Functionality |
Optional If the user is currently working on a task, this property returns a Bringg Task data type. If the current user is not working on a task, the property returns nil. |
tasksManager Method |
Functionality |
Registers an object as a TasksEventsDelegate. In most cases, this method is called on an object's init or load. |
Unregisters an object as a TasksEventsDelegate. |
Get a specific task. |
Gets a list of active tasks. |
Starts a specific task. |
Updates the task that the user arrived at a specific way point. |
Updates the task that the user left at a specific way point. |
Update the user's task, removing tasks if necessary, and gets a list of active tasksk.. |
Delegate Method |
Event Triggering the Method |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didAddNewTask(taskId:)) |
A new task was added. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didUpdateTask(taskId:)) |
A task was updated. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didCompleteTask(taskId:)) |
A task completed. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didRemoveTask(taskId:)) |
A task was removed. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didMassRemoveTasks(taskIds[]:)) |
A mass removal of tasks (one or more) completed. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didAddWaypoint(waypointId:)) |
A new way point was added to a task. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didUpdateWaypoint(waypointId:)) |
A way point was updated. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didRemoveWaypoint(waypointId:)) |
A way point was removed. |
tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: didAddNote(noteId:)) |
A new note was added to a task. |
The tasks list was refreshed. |
Registering for Task Events
Registering for Task is Optional
If your objects do not require task event notifications, they do not need to register for events.
Step 1. Conforming to TasksEventsDelegate
Your class must conform to the TasksEventsDelegate protocol.
For example, TasksViewController uses tasksManager and must conform to TasksEventsDelegate.
class TaskViewController: UIViewController, **TasksEventsDelegate**, UserEventsDelegate {
Step 2. Implementing TasksEventsDelegate methods
Implement the TasksEventsDelegate methods in your class.
For example, TasksViewController implements tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider:didAddNewTask(taskId:)), tasksEventsProvider didAddNewTask, and tasksEventsProvider didUpdateTask to update the UI with the new state.
Note: This example shows only some of the delegate protocol methods implemented. All of the delegate protocol's methods must be implemented.
class TaskViewController: UIViewController, TasksEventsDelegate, UserEventsDelegate { func **tasksEventsProviderDidRefreshTaskList**(_ taskStateProvider: TasksManagerProtocol) { refreshTask() } func **tasksEventsProvider**(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, **didAddNewTask** taskId: NSNumber) { refreshTask() } func **tasksEventsProvider**(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, **didUpdateTask** taskId: NSNumber) { refreshTask() } ... }
Step 3. Registering as a delegate
Call addDelegate(_:) on tasksManager and pass it the object that needs to be notified on tasks events (the object that conforms to TasksEventsDelegate).
For example, when TasksViewController loads, viewDidLoad registers self as the TasksEventsDelegate.
Note: To end notifications for events, call removeDelegate(_:) on tasksManager.
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.backgroundColor = .white **Bringg.shared.tasksManager.addDelegate(self)** setChildViewControllerDependingOnLoginState() }
Additional Examples
For a complete example, please refer to the Example folder in the Bringg-iOS-DriverSDK GitHub repo.
tasksManager Property
Use to get the current task's information, if a user is currently working on a task.
currentTask Task |
OPTIONAL A Bringg Task data type. If the user is not currently working on a task, the value is nil. |
tasksManager Methods
Use to register an object as a TasksEventsDelegate. In most cases, this method is called on an object's init or load.
@objc func addDelegate(_ delegate: TasksManagerDelegate)
Input Parameters
TasksManagerDelegate delegate |
REQUIRED The object conforming to the TasksManagerDelegate to add as a delegate to tasksManager. |
Use to unregister an object as a TasksEventsDelegate.
@objc func removeDelegate(_ delegate: TasksManagerDelegate)
Input Parameters
TasksManagerDelegate delegate |
REQUIRED The object conforming to the TasksManagerDelegate to remove as a delegate to tasksManager. |
getTask(taskId: completion:)
Use to get a information about a specific task. If successful, this method returns a Bringg Task data type containing information about that task. If not successful, nothing is returned.
func getTask(with taskId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ task: Task?) -> Void)
Input Parameters
taskId Int |
REQUIRED The Id of the task to get. |
Task Task |
An Bringg Task data types containing information for the task specified by the task Id. |
Use to get a list of active tasks. If successful, this method returns an array of Bringg Task data types containing information about all active tasks, and the date and time of the last task event in Bringg . If not successful, nothing is returned.
func getTasks(completion: @escaping(_ tasks: [Task], _ lastTimeUpdated: Date) -> Void)
Input Parameters
lastTimeUpdated Date |
The date and time of the last task event in Bringg. |
Task Array of Tasks |
An array of Bringg Task data types containing information for all active tasks. |
Use to update the user's task, remove tasks if necessary, and get a list of active tasks. If successful, this method returns an array of Bringg Tasks data types containing information about all active tasks, and the date and time of the last task event in Bringg . If not successful, nothing is returned.
func refreshTasks(completion: @escaping(_ tasks: [Task]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
Input Parameters
Error String |
If an error occurs, the error message. |
Task Array of Task |
An array of Bringg Task data types containing information for all active tasks. |
startTask(taskId: completion:)
Use to start a task specified by a task Id. If successful, return nothing. If not successful, returns an error message.
func startTask(with taskId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ error: Error?) -> Void)
Input Parameters
taskId Int |
REQUIRED The Id of the task to start. |
Error String |
If an error occurs, the error message. |
arriveAtWaypoint(waypointId: completion:)
Use to update a task that a user arrived at a way point specified by a way point Id. If successful, return nothing. If not successful, returns an error message.
func arriveAtWaypoint(with waypointId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ error: Error?) -> Void)
Input Parameters
waypointId Int |
REQUIRED The Id of the way point at which the user arrived. |
Error String |
If an error occurs, the error message. |
leaveWaypoint(waypointId, completion:)
Use to update a task that a user left at a way point specified by a way point Id. If successful, return nothing. If not successful, returns an error message.
func leaveWaypoint(with waypointId: Int, completion: @escaping(_ nextWaypointID: NSNumber?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
Input Parameters
waypointId Int32 |
REQUIRED The Id of the way point the user left. |
nextWaypointID NSNumber |
The Id of the next way point in the task. |
Error String |
If an error occurs, the error message. |
TasksEventsDelegate Methods
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didAddNewTask(taskId:))
This delegate method is called after a new task added event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didAddNewTask taskId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
taskId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the new task that was added. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didAddNote(noteId:))
This delegate method is called after a new note is added to a task event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didAddNote noteId: NSNumber)
noteId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the new note that was added. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didAddWaypoint(waypointId:))
This delegate method is called after a new way point is added to task event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didAddWaypoint waypointId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
waypointId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the new way point that was added. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didCompleteTask(taskId:))
This delegate method is called after a task completed event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didCompleteTask taskId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
taskId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the task that completed. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didMassRemoveTasks(taskIds[]:))
This delegate method is called after a mass removal of more than one task event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didMassRemoveTasks taskIds: [NSNumber])
Input Parameters
taskIds Array of NSNumber |
REQUIRED An array of NSNumber containing the Ids of the task that were removed by the mass removal of tasks. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didRemoveTask(taskId:))
This delegate method is called after a removal of a single task event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didRemoveTask taskId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
taskId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the task that was removed. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didRemoveWaypoint(waypointId:))
This delegate method is called after a removal of a way point from a task event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didRemoveWaypoint waypointId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
waypointId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the way point that was removed. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didUpdateTask(taskId:))
This delegate method is called after a task updated event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didUpdateTask taskId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
taskId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the task that was updated. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProvider(tasksEventsProvider: didUpdateWaypoint(waypointId:))
This delegate method is called after a way point updated event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProvider(_ tasksEventsProvider: TasksManagerProtocol, didUpdateWaypoint waypointId: NSNumber)
Input Parameters
waypointId NSNumber |
REQUIRED The Id of the way point that was updated. |
tasksEventsProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
tasksEventsProviderDidRefreshTaskList( taskStateProvider)
This delegate method is called after a task list refresh event. You must register for task events to use this method.
func tasksEventsProviderDidRefreshTaskList(_ taskStateProvider: TasksManagerProtocol)
Input Parameters
taskStateProvider TasksManagerProtocol |
REQUIRED The object which is the sender of the event message. |
Updated almost 7 years ago