Use the Bringg Dispatcher SDK Teams methods to integrate Bringg teams management into your own systems.
Use the Bringg Dispatcher SDK teams functionality to:
- get a team or get all teams detailed information
- update a team
Exception Handling
The Bringg Dispatcher SDK Teams methods use a promise pattern and a decorator factory for error exception handling. You can chain your method callback using then and catch to customize error handling for your own application. You can also delegate the Bringg Dispatcher SDK Logger to various log levels and implement your own functionality. For more information, see Exception Handling.
The following examples include three types of implementation:
- web
- node.js
- TypeScript
This code snippet demonstrates the teams.getAll() method.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- ... -->
<script src="/bringg-dashboard-sdk.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
BringgDashboardSDK.initWithAuthToken(region, authToken).then(bringgDashboardSDK => {
const BringgDashboardSDK = require("bringg-dashboard-sdk");
BringgDashboardSDK.initWithAuthToken(region, authToken).then(bringgDashboardSDK => {
import BringgDashboardSDK = require("bringg-dashboard-sdk");
async function runAwait() {
try {
const bringgDashboardSDK = await BringgDashboardSDK.initWithAuthToken(region, authToken);
console.log(await bringgDashboardSDK.teams.getAll());
} catch (e) {
Gets detailed information for the specified team Id.
Input Parameters
teamId number |
REQUIRED The Id of the team whose detailed information is returned. |
Team Object |
A Team object containing detailed team information. |
Gets detailed information for all teams.
Input Parameters
Team Array of Objects |
An array of Team objects containing detailed team information for all teams. |
Updates an existing team's detailed information.
Input Parameters
teamId number |
REQUIRED The Id of the team whose detailed information is returned. |
address string |
The address of this team. |
contact_phone string |
The contact phone number for this team. |
country_code string |
The country code of this team. The maximum length is 255 characters. |
description string |
The description of this team. |
distance_pay_per_km number |
The distance pay per kilometer for this team. |
external_id string |
The Id of this team in your own system. |
home_area string |
lat number |
The geoposition latitude of this team's address. |
lng number |
The geoposition longititude of this team's address. |
name string |
The name of this team. |
parent_team_id number |
The Id of the team to which this team is member. |
printer_type string |
The type of printer used to print receipts. |
service_boroughs Array of Strings |
An array of boroughs serviced by this team. |
service_cities Array of Strings |
An array of cities serviced by this team. |
service_zipcodes Array of Strings |
An array of ZIP Codes serviced by this team. |
time_zone string |
The time zone of this team. |
zipcode string |
The ZIP code of this team. |
teamId number |
The Id of the team updated. |
Team Object |
A Team object containing the modified team information. |
Updated almost 7 years ago