
Use the logReportsManager to use your own logger object and receive log messages for your required log levels.


The Bringg Driver SDK for iOS logReportsManager allows you to initialize an object as the logger to receive log messages for your required log levels. You set the log level requirements and all log messages meeting those requirements are logged to your specified object. Log message levels include

  • errors
  • warnings
  • informational messages
  • debugging messages


Host App Development

logReportsManager is very useful during host app development and debugging.



You can adapt the logReportsManager into Objective-C.


The following is the LoggerProtocol:

@objc public protocol LoggerProtocol {
    func logDebug(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)
    func logInfo(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)
    func logWarn(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)
    func logError(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)

Feature Summary

Method Name

Method Functionality

logError(_ message:file:function:line:)

Logs error messages, only.

logWarn(_ message:file:function:line:)

Logs messages at the warnings level, including:

  • errors
  • warnings

logInfo(_ message:file:function:line:)

Logs messages at the info level, including:

  • errors
  • warnings
  • informational messages

logDebug(_ message:file:function:line:)

Logs messages at the debug level, including:

  • errors
  • warnings
  • informational messages
  • debugging messages

Initializing a Logger Object

Step 1. Conforming to LoggerProtocol

Your class must conform to the LoggerProtocol.

For example, Logger must conform to LoggerProtocol.

class Logger: **LoggerProtocol ** {

Step 2. Implementing LoggerProtocol methods

Implement the LoggerProtocol methods in your logger class.

For example, Logger implements logDebug, logInfo, logWarn, and logError using CocoaLumberjack.

class Logger: **LoggerProtocol** {
    func **logDebug**(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt) {
        DDLogDebug(Logger.format(message, file: file, function: function, line: line), ddlog: ddLog)
    func **logInfo**(_message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt) {
        DDLogInfo(Logger.format(message, file: file, function: function, line: line), ddlog: ddLog)
    func **logWarn**(_message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt) {
        DDLogWarn(Logger.format(message, file: file, function: function, line: line), ddlog: ddLog)
    func **logError**(_message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt) {
        DDLogError(Logger.format(message, file: file, function: function, line: line), ddlog: ddLog)

Step 3: Initializing the BringgDriverSDK with a Logger Object

In AppDelegate.swift, call initializeSDK, and pass it your logger object.

import BringgDriverSDK
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
	func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
  	// Initialize Bringg SDK.
    **Bringg.initializeSDK(logger: Logger())**

Example of a Logger

The Bringg-iOS-DriverSDK repo includes an example logger using CocoaLumberjack.

logReportsManager Methods


logReportsManager Methods Parameters

All of the logReportsManager methods use the parameter list.

Method Parameters




The name of the file to which the log message refers.




The name of the function to which the log message refers.




The log message text.




The line number in the file to which the log message refers.

logDebug(_ message:file:function:line:)

Use to log debugging messages. For the parameter descriptions, see Parameters.

func logDebug(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)

logInfo(_ message:file:function:line:)

Use to log debugging messages. For the parameter descriptions, see Parameters.

func logInfo(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)

logWarn(_ message:file:function:line:)

Use to log debugging messages. For the parameter descriptions, see Parameters.

func logWarn(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)

logError(_ message:file:function:line:)

Use to log debugging messages. For the parameter descriptions, see Parameters.

func logError(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)