Observe data and state changes

Observe SDK live data to consume data and events


DriverSdk provides live data api to enable easily observing different models and states.

Observe authentication state

Login state can be observed using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:

val driverSdk = DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk
driverSdk.data.login.observeForever { isLoggedIn ->
    if (isLoggedIn) {
        Log.i(TAG,"user is authenticated with Bringg Cloud Services")
    } else {
        Log.i(TAG,"user is not authenticated, use driverSdk.login to login")

Observe online state

Online state can be observed using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:

DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk.data.online.observeForever { isOnline ->
    val navController = findNavController()
    if (isOnline) {
        Log.i(TAG,"user is online, DriverSdk is working in the background")
    } else {
        Log.i(TAG,"user is not online, DriverSdk is working in the background")

Observe Tasks and Waypoints

Observe all user tasks

All the tasks assigned to the user can be monitored using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:

    Observer { taskList ->
        Log.i(TAG, "task list updated, task count=${taskList.size}")

Observe a single task

Task can be monitored using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:

    Observer { task ->
        Log.i(TAG, "task was updated, task status=${task?.status}")

Observe a single waypoint

Waypoint can be monitored using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:

    Observer { waypoint ->
        Log.i(TAG, "waypoint was updated, task status=${waypoint?.status}")

Observe home list and home states

Homes and their user states can be observed using a LiveData object obtained from DriverSdk:

            Observer { homeMap ->
                Log.i(TAG, "home states updated:")
                homeMap.entries.forEach {
                    Log.i(TAG, "home=${it.key}, state=${it.value}")

User home states are: AT_HOME, NEAR_HOME, OUTSIDE_HOME

Observe Extras data on Task, Waypoint, Inventory and Customer

"Extras" is a field that can help merchants pass operational data between services that are connected to the Bringg platform.

On the driver SDK, the extras data can be observed using LiveData object using these interface:

interface DriverExtras {
    fun taskExtras(taskId: Long): LiveData<JSONObject?>
    fun waypointExtras(waypointId: Long): LiveData<JSONObject?>
    fun inventoryExtras(inventoryId: Long): LiveData<JSONObject?>
    fun customerExtras(waypointId: Long, customerId: Long): LiveData<JSONObject?>


DriverSdkProvider.driverSdk().data.extras.waypointExtras(waypointId).observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {