Getting Started

Use these set up instructions to configure the Bringg Driver SDK for iOS in your projects.




See Bringg-iOS-DriverSDK in GitHub for the Bringg Driver SDK for iOS.



The Bringg Driver SDK for iOS is referred to as BringgDriverSDK.

Setting up your BringgDriverSDK project requires CocoaPods and the following steps:

  1. Adding the BringgDriverSDK in Your Podfile
  2. Enabling the Required Background Tasks
  3. Adding the Required Permissions to Your Info.plist
  4. Initializing the BringgDriverSDK to Your AppDelegate.Swift



If you are not already using, see for more information.

Setting Up the BringgDriverSDK In Your Project

Step 1. Adding the BringgDriverSDK to Your Podfile

To add the BringgDriverSDK to your project:

a. If your project is a new project, initialize Cocoapods.

$ pod init

b. Add the Driver SDK pod to your profile.

pod 'BringgDriverSDK', '1.7.0'

c. Optionally, allow web socket data usage logging by adding a fork of Starscream.

pod 'Starscream', :git => "", :branch => "feature/notification-center-data-usage"

d.. Execute the following command:

$ pod install

The following is an example Podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'BringgDriverSDKExampleApp' do
  pod 'BringgDriverSDK', '1.7.0'

  # The next line is optional and allows logging socket data usage
  pod 'Starscream', :git => "", :branch => "feature/notification-center-data-usage"

Step 2. Enabling the Required Background Tasks

To enable the required background tasks:

a. In your Xcode project's App Settings, click the Capabilities tab.

b. Enable the following background modes:

  • Location updates
  • Background fetch

Step 3. Adding the Required Permissions to Your Info.plist

To add the required permissions to Info.plist:

In your Xcode project's Info tab, add permission strings for the following:

  • Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
  • Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description

Step 4. Initializing the BringgDriverSDK in Your AppDelegate.Swift


Initialize The BringgDriverSDK

You must initialize the SDK before any of the actions on any of the controllers are called. Bringg suggests initializing the SDK in application(didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)


Log Detailed Messages

Optionally, you can use LogReportsManager and initialize the BringgDriverSDK with a logger that conforms to the LoggerProtocol protocol. Your logger object will receive messages at the log levels you specify. The Bringg-iOS-DriverSDK repo includes an example logger using CocoaLumberjack.

To initialize BringgDriverSDK to your AppDelegate.swift:

a. Open the AppDelegate.swift file.

b. Add the following code:

import BringgDriverSDK
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
	func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
  	// Initialize Bringg SDK.


That's All!