API Reference

Body Parameters

These parameters can be included in the Create Shipment and Update Shipment requests.

carrierobjectThe carrier attached to this quote or shipment.-
delivery_costnumber (double)The delivery cost that the customer pays at checkout. Formatted to include cents. For example, a value of 25000 using USD as currency would appear as $250.00 in the Delivery Hub UI.-
deliver_bystringThe date and time by which the shipment should be delivered.-
estimated_delivery_costnumber (double)The quoted cost for delivery from the carrier. Compare this quote to the actual delivery_cost once a shipment is confirmed.
fulfillment_idnumber (double)Bringg's ID for this fulfillment.Required
idnumber (double)The ID of this object in Delivery Hub.Valid uuid
label_typestringThe label file type. Possible values: PDF PNG ZPL JPG
order_idnumber (double)ID of the order associated with the shipment.Required
packagesarray of objectsThe packages included in this shipment, listed as an array. It's possible to update the packages if the shipment is in the New status only.Required
packages_countnumber (double)The number of packages included in a shipment.-
required_service_levelstringThe service levels required for this shipment, as defined by your organization and based on included products. For example, certain hazardous materials might require delivery within 72 hours.1-225 characters
serviceobjectAn object containing information about the service used to fulfill the shipment.Required if shipping_account_id is present,
1-225 characters
shipping_account_idnumber (double)The shipping account used for the quoted or actual booking. Required when service is present,
Positive integer
source_idstringYour source system's ID for this shipment.Required shipping_account_id is present,
1-225 characters.
typestringDesignates if this is a delivery or return.Possible values:
delivery return

Response Parameters

These parameters appear only in API responses in webhooks.

base_chargenumber (double)The base cost of the shipment, without additional fees, as charged by the carrier
billing_address_idnumber (double)Delivery Hub's ID for the order's billing address.
carrier_reference_numberstringThe carrier's ID for this shipment.
commercial_invoicestring(For international orders) The commercial invoice associated with the shipment, encoded using base64.
customerobjectThe contact specifications for the customer. Includes:

- name
- email
- allow_email
- phone
- allow_sms
- id
- account_id
- created_at
- updated_at
created_atstringThe date and time when this shipment was created in Delivery Hub.
delete_atstringThe date and time when this shipment will be deleted from Delivery Hub.
discountsnumber (double)Service discounts based on your contract with the carrier.
label_urlstringDelivery Hub's URL for the shipping label.
net_chargenumber (double)The net charge of the shipment, formatted to include cents. For example, a value of 25000 using USD as currency would appear as $250.00 in the Delivery Hub UI.
quote_idstringID for the quote selected at checkout.
shipment_eventsarray of objectsAn array of shipment events associated with the shipment. See Shipment Event.
shipment_idstringDelivery Hub's ID for this shipment.
statusstringCurrent status of the fulfillment. Possible values:
Quoted New PartiallyFulfilled ReadyToShip PickedUp InTransit OutForDelivery Delivered Exception CanceledByCarrier Canceled
subchargesnumber (double)Extra costs charged by the carrier, such as for fuel or special handling. Formatted to include cents. For example, a value of 25000 using USD as currency would appear as $250.00 in the Delivery Hub UI.
taxesnumber (double)Taxes attached to charges from carrier., formatted to include cents. For example, a value of 25000 using USD as currency would appear as $250.00 in the Delivery Hub UI.
tracking_numberstringThe tracking number provided by the carrier.
tracking_urlstringDelivery Hub's tracking URL for this order. Learn more.
updated_atstringThe date and time when this shipment was updated in Delivery Hub.