API Reference
carrier_tracking_urlstringThe tracking URL provided by the carrier.
deliver_bystringThe date and time by which the fulfillment should be delivered.-
idnumber (double)The ID of this object in Delivery Hub.Valid uuid
items_countnumber (double)The number of items included in the fulfillment.-
fulfillment_methodstringDesignates if the fulfillment method is direct delivery to the recipient's address or via a PUDO (pickup/dropoff) location. When empty, the default value is direct.-
fulfillment_typestringDesignates if this is a delivery or return. When empty, the default value is delivery.-
namestringThe name of the fulfillment.1-225 characters
Required if idis absent.
notesarrayAdditional order details, such as contact or address instructions.-
order_idnumber (double)Bringg's ID for this order.-
pudo_location_idstringThe ID of the PUDO (pickup/drop off) location for this fulfillment.Forbidden if fulfillment_method is direct.
1-225 characters
productsarrayAn array of product objects associated with the fulfillment. See Product.Required
quote_idstringID of the quote associated with the fulfillment.Required,
Valid uuid
recipientobjectAn object containing information about the recipient.Required if recipient_address is present. Forbidden if recipient_location_id is present.
recipient_addressobjectThe address of the party receiving the fulfillment. In the case of returns, this is the retailer.
recipient_address_idnumber (double)The ID for this address in Delivery Hub.Valid uuid
recipient_idnumber (double)ID of the recipient associated with the fulfillment.Valid uuid
recipient_location_idnumber (double)Delivery Hub's or your source system's ID for the recipient's location.Forbidden if recipient or recipient_address are present.
required_service_levelstringThe service levels required for this shipment, as defined by your organization and based on included products. For example, certain hazardous materials might require delivery within 72 hours.
senderobjectRepresents the party sending the fulfillment. In the case of returns, this is the customer.Required if sender_address is present or if sender_location_idis absent. Forbidden if sender_location_id is present.
sender_addressobjectThe address of the party sending the fulfillment. In the case of returns, this is the customer.Required if sender is present or sender_location_id is absent. Forbidden if sender_location_id is present.
Omit when
sender_address_idnumber (double)Delivery Hub's ID for the sender's location. This is the shipping location for delivery use cases.Valid uuid
sender_idnumber (double)ID of the sender associated with the fulfillment.Valid uuid
sender_location_idnumber (double)Delivery Hub's or your source system's ID for the sender's location. This is the shipping location for delivery use cases.Required if sender or sender_address are absent. Forbidden if sender or sender_address is present.
servicestringThe service level for the quoted booking, such as same-day.Required if pudo_location_id is present,
Required if shipping_account_id is present,
1-225 characters
Omit to manually trigger shipping rules in the carrier assignment modal (learn more).
shipmentsarray of objectsThe shipments that belong to this order,
listed as an array.
shipping_account_idnumber (double)The shipping account used for the quoted or actual booking.Required if pudo_location_id is present,
Required if service is present,
positive integer
Omit to manually trigger shipping rules in the carrier assignment modal (learn more).
source_idstringYour source system's ID for this fulfillment.Required if shipping_account_id is present,
1-225 characters
statusstringCurrent status of the fulfillment. Possible values:
Quoted New PartiallyFulfilled ReadyToShip PickedUp InTransit OutForDelivery Delivered Exception CanceledByCarrier Canceled
total_weightnumber (double)The total weight of all items included in the fulfillment.-