What are Developer Keys?

Developer keys are a pair of unique public (access token) and private (secret key) keys given to you as your unique identifier (Authentication) when you execute Bringg API Calls.

Why do I need a Developer Key?

For secure Bringg API Calls, Bringg requires you use your developer keys when you integrate your products with Bringg.

You only need developer keys for Bringg API Calls. You do not need them for Bringg Services, Bringg Webhooks, or the Bringg SDKs.

Which calls can I make to Bringg and where can I find them documented?

The list of Bringg API calls is fully documented here

In which format should I send my request?

We provide a REST API accepting query parameters and responding with JSON object’s parameters.

How do I sign each call?

Read about our Authentication.

Do I need to register to Bringg before I apply for a Developer Key?

No. If you didn’t register yet, we will do it automatically when generating your developer key.

How do I configure webhooks API security?

Read about this here

Can we whitelist each other’s production IP addresses or use certificates in addition to API security documented?

Sometimes there is a problem when using clouds - our IPs can change. There is a workaround for this but it’s not recommended. However, we can whitelist your IP.

How do Bringg's APIs and webhooks handle idempotency and/or disregard out of sequence stale updates?

Bringg's webhooks are real-time and are not replicated or come out of order. In the case of failure on the customer's side, we do a retry but this is something you need to defend against. In many cases, we can add a unique request ID to identify replications but not in all cases.

With incoming APIs to Bringg, it depends on the use case but we do allow custom identification of repetitive requests.

How do I connect my online ordering system with the Bringg platform?

You will need to:

  • Get a Developer Key
  • Call Bringg’s API to create orders on the Bringg platform

What are the minimum requirements to integrate my system with Bringg?

No requirements!
Just embed a couple of lines of on your code. No software, no servers required.

I’m using Zuppler as my online ordering system, do I still need to have a Developer Key?

No, Bringg & Zuppler are already integrated. Please contact your account manager at Zuppler for additional information or contact us for additional information.

I’ve received 401 error, what could be the problem?

You are not authorized for this action. please check again your authentication, or contact us for assistant.

I have my own mobile app and would like to integrate Bringg’s solution in my mobile app, is there a way to do it?

Yes, we enable integrating our solution into your own mobile app.
Read more to see how.