Run Ended

The Run Ended callback occurs when a route ends.


Register Your URL for this Webhook

Visit the Send Bringg Webhooks page to learn how to subscribe to webhooks and customize the fields included in your callbacks.

The Run Ended webhook is sent to your designated URL when a route ends, and by default includes route, order, waypoint, and user details.

The end of a route can be triggered in a few ways:

  • Manually in the driver app once all orders are completed. This can also be done automatically if configured accordingly with your Bringg support representative.
  • Automatically, when the assigned driver arrives at your team location without unfinished orders.
  • For on-demand orders, if a driver returns to the team location to collect more orders, the open orders from the existing route are extracted and moved to the new one.
  • Thirty minutes after a driver's shift ends without any open orders.


Below are the default parameters included in the Run Ended webhook.

  "run": {
    "id": 12345,
    "user_id": 67890,
    "estimated_distance_traveled": null,
    "team_id": 1122,
    "scheduled_end_time": "2024-03-15T17:00:00Z",
    "external_id": 334455,
    "tasks": [
        "id": 101,
        "status": 4,
        "title": "Deliver Package",
        "external_id": "ext123",
        "way_points": [
            "id": 201,
            "position": 1,
            "scheduled_at": "2024-03-15T15:30:00Z",
            "eta": "2024-03-15T15:45:00Z",
            "address": "123 Main St, Anytown, AT 12345"
            "id": 202,
            "position": 2,
            "scheduled_at": "2024-03-15T16:00:00Z",
            "eta": "2024-03-15T16:15:00Z",
            "address": "456 Second St, Anytown, AT 67890"
    "user": {
      "id": 78901,
      "name": "Rowan Birchwood",
      "status": "assigned",
      "sub": "free",
      "phone": "+1234567890",
      "external_id": "userext456"
  "webhook_type": "run_ended",
  "merchant_id": 1,

Output Params

The Run Ended webhook includes the Run Object.

Parameter NameDescription
Your external system's ID for this run. Appears as planned_route_external_id when included outside of the run object.
The ID Bringg assigns to a run when it is created.
Use only in theupdate_task API request. When using update_task, either id or external_id can be indicated in the run object.
Bringg's ID for the planned route. Planned routes are created in advanced (not created using AutoDispatch).
Refers to the GPS configuration (x seconds between location updates) per user status. Values include: Free =>10, "Started" =>10, "Assigned" =>10, "Checked-In" =>10, "Late" =>10}
The date and time when this route is scheduled to end, formatted as "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" and according to the UTC time zone.
The date and time when this route is scheduled to begin, formatted as "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" and according to the UTC time zone.
Indicates the method used to start this route.
Possible values:
0 - manually using the Driver App
1 - automatic check-in or check-out via geofence
2 - driver's action when prompted by the Driver App
4 - auto-corrected by client
5 - auto-corrected by server
6 - automated by activity trigger
7 - updated in the Bringg platform
8 - updated in the store app
9 - from run end
10 - updated by Bringg automation
An array of order (task) objects. Read more about the Order (Task) Object
Bringg's ID for the team assigned to this route.
Can be indicated in the task object or run object. If indicated in task object, team_id must be omitted or match in run object.
An object including the details of the driver assigned to this route.
Bringg's ID for the driver assigned to this route.
Can be indicated in the task object or run object. If indicated in task object, user_id must be omitted or match in run object.
Bringg's ID for the vehicle assigned to a route.