Create Note

Create a Note on the task or a specific way point for the driver and customer support to see

The Create Note endpoint adds a note to a way point.


What is Note?

Note are general meta data attached to a task or a way point. They can be text, image, signature, form and more. Each note has the content, timestamp of creation and ownership.

Note TypeWhat is itMore Details
0Free Text
1Formatted Note: A note that is displayed as a tableHeader: array of x header titles

Example: ['Item', 'Price', 'Quantity']

Body: array of array of data (should be length of x per internal array)

Example: [['Chicken Breast', '10$', 1], ['French Fries', '3$', 5]]
2HTML Notenote: the text to be displayed
url: the url to open when the text is clicked
curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{\"company_id\": 1, \"note\": \"some text\", \"timestamp\":\"1414421210832\", \"access_token\":\"K2Pxkwvx6-3PtW44zvEV\", \"signature\":\"db00061fa75f869c968f72d48449e457ae06959a\"}" \{task_id}/way_points/{way_point_id}/notes
curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{\"note\": [[\"header1\",\"header2\"],[\"row1_data1\",\"row1_data2\"]], \"type\": 1, \"timestamp\":\"1414421210832\", \"access_token\":\"yguRVwczRyt69exGW2Vf\", \"signature\":\"db00061fa75f869c968f72d48449e457ae06959a\"}" \{task_id}/way_points/{way_point_id}/notes