Create Company

Create a Company

The Create Company endpoint creates a new company entity.


What is Company?

A Company is a single business using the system. A developer can have one company or multiple companies. All users/drivers, tasks/orders and customers belong to a single company.


Test Accounts

Companies are by default test account. They will be deleted after a week. If you want your company NOT to be deleted, have the parameter TEST be false

curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{\"test\": \"true\", \"name\": \"Bringg LTD\", \"address\": \"Habarzel 1, Tel Aviv\", \"lat\": 32.453453, \"lng\": 34.434233, \"phone\": \"+1.917.475.6306\", \"timestamp\":\"1414421210832\", \"access_token\":\"K2Pxkwvx6-3PtW44zvEV\", \"signature\":\"db00061fa75f869c968f72d48449e457ae06959a\"}" \