Create Way Point

Add a single Way Point to an existing Task

The Create Way Point endpoint adds a single way point to an existing task. for adding more than one way point use Create Route.


What is Way Point?

A waypoint, AKA a stop point, is somewhere along the driver’s route they have to stop and do something. Sometimes there’s only one of those for an order - for example when a driver takes some food from a restaurant, but sometimes there are two - if a driver works with more than one restaurant so they need to know WHICH restaurant is the stop point and then the final customer. Sometimes there are even more than 2 - for example when a driver takes several dishes at once from a restaurant, or a school bus has many stops along the way.

curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{\"company_id\": 1, \"customer_id\":1, \"scheduled_at\": \"2013-10-17T22:47:58.000Z\", \"address\": \"416 Water St. New York, NY 10002\", \"lat\": 32.4345345, \"lng\": 34.534534, \"timestamp\":\"1414421210832\", \"access_token\":\"K2Pxkwvx6-3PtW44zvEV\", \"signature\":\"db00061fa75f869c968f72d48449e457ae06959a\"}" \{task_id}/way_points