
Get Teams

The Teams endpoint returns information about the teams of the company. 50 results get displayed at a time.

Use page numbers to display subsequent sets of 50 results. e.g. 'page' => 1 will return the first set of 50 results; 'page' => 2 will return the next set of 50 results; etc.

You will have reached the end of paging when no more results are returned from your API call.

curl --include \
     --request GET \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{\"company_id\": 1, \"timestamp\":\"1414421210832\", \"access_token\":\"K2Pxkwvx6-3PtW44zvEV\", \"signature\":\"db00061fa75f869c968f72d48449e457ae06959a\"}" \