
Request the current schedule of all users


This is a paid feature!

Please contact your delivery consultant for pricing and details about this api


Use Shifts!

This API call is influenced by "available" driver time which you configure by using Bringg's Shifts feature - available in the UI or through services.

In order to understand and plan your teams schedule, we allow you to query the "current" schedule. This can potentially change at any given time, depending how your operational needs: for next day deliveries the changes are less frequent than on demand delivery, etc.

The response is an array of drivers, for each driver a hash of dates, for each date availability array. The bits in the array are either free (0) or busy (1). Each bit, by default, is one minute, but you can changed that for any window (10 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour) by using the "time_window" parameter.
