Create Task with Way Points

Create a new task with more than one way point

The Create Task with Way Points endpoint creates a new task entity with a more than one way point (To create a task with a single way point, use Create Task).

curl --include 
			--request POST 
      --header "Content-Type: application/json" 
      --data-binary "{\"title\":\"Pizza Delivry\",\"company_id\":154,\"customer_id\":197,\"way_points\":[{\"address\":\"416 Water St. New York, NY 10002\",\"scheduled_at\":\"2014-12-29T04:16:09.123Z\",\"lat\":45.5,\"lng\":12.5}],\"timestamp\":1468925734,\"access_token\":\"Qy7DBBsmo3J_f1hpybY4\",\"signature\":\"2c54a1d4b025883a853d5f8c9463c7305eff1aa4\"}"