Auto Dispatch Application

Setting up and using Auto Dispatch Application

The Auto Displatch bringg app (tm) is an application that takes over an order that not yet assigned to a driver and tries to locate a driver to assign it to. It is recommended that companies working with this application will also set up the Reject button string in order for the Driver to be able to reject it. See settings in Company Configurations.

After installing the app, it should be further configured with the right business logic that will be used for the search. This is built from a set of plugins that the list of drivers go through, each implementing a different logic such as filtering out certain drivers or reordering them.

Application ID: b624ae58-ee4c-47c0-9830-3d5963fec994


  • Plugins: a sorted list of plugins to activate. Each plugin has the format:
pluginName: {'active':true/false}

Current options:

* driversWithInventory: only drivers that have required inventory from the order
* driversWithAbility: only drivers that have required abilities set in the system
* ClosestDrivers: pick closest driver
  • auto_assign_timeout_per_driver: The amount of time to provide each driver before moving on to the next driver.
  • auto_assign_timeout: The amount of time to try and locate a driver before ending the search.
  • on_search_fail: The outcome of not locating a driver. Setting this to 'cancel' will auto cancel the order.